Unified Membership is open to a current or former director, assistant director, supervisor, or coordinator in Indiana who is also a member of CEC and CASE. Benefits include:
Cost of Membership:
ICASE Only Membership is open to a current or former director, assistant director, supervisor, or coordinator in Indiana who has chosen not to affiliate with CEC and CASE. Benefits include:
ICASE Only members may not hold office, chair or co-chair Executive Standing Committees or task forces, or serve as a Roundtable representative to the Executive Board.
Cost of Membership: $205
Aspiring Membership is open to an individual who is not an administrator and is enrolled in a graduate program leading to a Director of Exceptional Needs License. Benefits include:
Aspiring members may not vote, hold office, chair or co-chair Executive Standing Committees or task forces, or serve as a Roundtable representative to the Executive Board.
Cost of Membership: $50
Associate Membership is open to any other professional fields related to the practice of special education leadership, but not eligible for another class of membership (could be IRN members, attorneys, non-special education school staff, state consultant, university faculty or other administrator in the field of special education in public agencies in Indiana). Benefits include:
Associate Members may not vote, hold office, chair or co-chair Executive Standing Committees or task forces, serve as a Roundtable Representative or serve on a committee.
Cost of Membership: $150