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Opportunity and Accessibility DASHBOARD






I am just beginning my equity journey,  interested in short, practical steps. I would like to become an ally but, I don’t know where to start.


I have rarely or never incorporated equity work in my instructional/SEL practices, but I want to learn more!


I have some experience in equity, and I am interested in advancing my understanding in this work. I know what it means to be an ally, but I am not yet one.


I incorporate equity work somewhat in my instructional/SEL practices.


I have been on the equity journey for a while. I am an active reader on equitable practices and a participant in the work. I am an ally to colleagues


I incorporate equity work in every layer of my classroom environment: behavioral and instructional.


I have progressed through each of the previous categories. I  lead professional development, am an active reader on equitable practices, support others in the implementation of this work and am taking action in my community in the area of equity.


I incorporate equity work in every layer of my classroom environment, including families and community.  In addition,  I support other staff members in this area.

Steps I Can Take...

Steps I Can Take...

Steps I Can Take...

Steps I Can Take...

  • Consider and reflect on my personal identity.

  • Create an identity map. What do you notice about yourself and how does this impact the work you do with students?

  • What implications did it give you personally? Professionally?

  • Begin to read a book focused on Equity.

  • Suggested books to read: 

Waking Up White
    • Begin to journal your journey  (Youtube Videos):

    Blind Spots:  Challenging Assumptions

    Halo, Horns, and Confirmation Bias


    • Provide opportunities for community and discussion in the classroom.
    • Consider ways that you develop community with your students.
    Ask yourself the following:
    • What books are students reading?
    • Evaluate your classroom library, think about the implications of the books your students see and whose represented.
    • Do they have a voice in what they read, where they sit, how they interact with each other?
    Use and allow students to use sentence stems like:
    This is _____ for me because_____.
    This makes me think of bigger problems like______.
    This reminds me of_________.


    • Continue to consider how my personal identity impacts how I interact with students and our classroom environment.

    • Begin to have preliminary conversations with those of diverse backgrounds and perspectives about my journey. 

    • Take the FREE Harvard Implicit Bias Assessment

    • Suggested books/articles  to read:

    Courageous Conversations about Race 

    Racial Healing Handbook

    The Cycle of Socialization.pdf

    • Begin to journal your journey  (Youtube Videos):

    Social Conditioning 

    Harro's Cycle of Socialization

    Intention vs. Impact


    • I have progressed through the Novice work on my equity journey.

    • Continue to provide opportunities for community and conversation in the classroom-maybe in your SEL community circles.

    • Provide a space where all voices are heard and a space for equitable conversations are created.

    • Use a song to make connections to students, content, and current events.

    • Continue to analyze your classroom library, consider are your students and their experiences represented and shared with the class?

    Ask yourself the following:

    • How do the materials you use support your students?
    • How do your students see themselves?
    • How do your students think the world sees them?
    • Continue to use and allow students to use stems like:
    This is _____ for me because_____.

    This makes me think of bigger problems like______.

    This reminds me of_________.


    • I have progressed through the Novice and Intermediate work on my equity journey.

    • I evaluate the people in my “top ten”.

    • I seek out international opportunities to interact with those different from me.

    • I am actively reading and researching books, documentaries, and videos that focus on equity and anti racism

    The Cycle of Liberation.pdf

    Colin in Black and White  (Netflix)

    Cultivating a Culture of Inclusion 

    Begin to journal y
    our journey (Youtube Videos):

    Sometimes You're a Caterpillar

    Microaggressions in the Classroom 

    Intent vs. Impact


    • I have progressed through the Novice and Intermediate  work on my equity journey.

    • During current/controversial events, use magazines, videos, and realia. Ask students what they notice, wonder or think about what they have seen.

    • Embed “heart and mind” work when using ANY text. Allow students to see themselves as mirrors, windows, or sliding doors.

    • Students use the stems from the Novice and Intermediate work and are ready to.

    • Become facilitators of their own learning, discussion, and reflection.

    Ask yourself the following:

    • How do the materials you use support your students?
    • How do your students see themselves?
    • How do your students think the world sees them?
    • Continue to use and allow students to use stems like:

    This is _____ for me because_____.

    This makes me think of bigger problems like______.

    This reminds me of_________.


    • I have progressed through the Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced work on my equity journey.

    • I am active in my community and involved in changing inequitable or racist practices.

    • I seek out conversations of those who I feel are different from mine relative to equity.

    • I actively work to ensure that staff and students have equitable experiences and I support the hiring and retention practices of those BIPOC (Global Majority)

    • Suggested books/articles  to read

    How to be Antiracist

    Stamped from the Beginning 

    • Begin to journal your journey  (Youtube Videos):

    Are you a nonracist or antiracist? 

    The Risk of Equity 

    PBS Series...What I hear When You Say?


    • I have progressed through the Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced  work on my equity journey.

    • Continue to support your students, families, and colleagues with ways you provide culturally responsive and equitable practices.

    • Continue to allow students to support with facilitation of their learning and reflection. 

    • Video record your lessons, use these lessons to support teachers who need a visual of how a culturally responsive and equitable environment looks like.

    Ask yourself the following:

    • How do the materials you use support your students?
    • How do your students see themselves?
    • How do your students think the world sees them?
    • Continue to use and allow students to use stems like:
    This is _____ for me because_____.

    This makes me think of bigger problems like______.

    This reminds me of_________.

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