Conference Location & Overnight Rooms

Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel at Keystone Crossing, 8787 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, IN 46240

$142 a night | Expires AUG 29



  Regular Late Fee (SEP 11)
 Member $399 $449
 Nonmember $499 $549
 Aspiring Directors $150 $150
 Retired Directors $0 $0


ICASE Special Education Best Practices for Building Level Administrators $99 or included with your conference registration.

Pre-conference is $99 available as an add-on to registration.


Wednesday, september 27

ICASE Special Education Best Practices for Building Level Administrators

This half-day professional development series is being offered to non-members for $99.00 who are not attending the fall conference. Those attending the Conference receive this Best Practices training opportunity at no additional cost, and are encouraged to join your corporation’s administration team to build local capacity and stay in tune with current trends in special education as it pertains to building-level leaders! Given the ever increasing complexities associated with implementing quality special education programming and running school buildings, you won’t want to miss this event!

8:00 AM 


9:00 AM 

Discipline Best Practices

Grit, Grace, & Guidance
Participants will take away strategies to use in their buildings to help deal with different kinds of behavior situations that might arise. They will also take into consideration different techniques that can be used with special education students that would also benefit their general school population.
Lauren Phipps, Plymouth Community Schools

9:50 AM 

Discipline Best Practices

Disciplinary Removals of Students with Disabilities
This presentation will provide an overview of laws regarding disciplinary removals and manifestation determinations.
Keith Butler, Kroger Gardis & Regas

10:40 AM


10:50 AM

Evaluating special education staff

Work in Progress
Participants will leave with a checklist to use when evaluating special ed paperwork: evaluation reports, IEPs, goals, SDI, grade books, and progress monitoring
Pam Bell

11:20 AM

Director and Attorney Panel Discussion

The panel will discuss manifest, due process, and the ugly side of the law. A live Q&A will be facilitated by ICASE President, Joe Kwisz. 

Andrew Manna, Church Church Hittle + Antrim
Emily Dykstra, Mitchell Community Schools
Linda Watkins, MSD of Wayne Township

12:30 PM


Pre-Conference | Championship Grit

This session will be lead by this year’s keynote speaker and former Indianapolis Colts standout, Gary Brackett, for an additional $99.00. Gary will be covering his book “Championship Grit”. This session focuses on leadership practices that can be implemented across a variety of landscapes, and is sure to be a bucket-filler for all in attendance! As part of this pre-conference package, you will also receive a copy of Gary’s book, and workbook, which coincides with his presentation.

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Thursday, September 28

7:30 AM

Registration, Buffet Breakfast, & Vendor Time

9:00 am

Welcome, ICASE President

9:15 AM

Keynote Speaker

Gary Brackett

Gary Brackett was born with a love of competition and a will to win. By all accounts, he has already lived a life that most athletes (and even non-athletes) only dream of. If you know anything about football, it’s likely that you know his name. You may remember his impressive stats (he still holds the record for most individual tackles in a Super Bowl). But he is best known for his unwavering passion, unmatched energy and unrelenting work ethic that transformed this “underdog” into a Captain of a World Championship Team.

Since his “retirement” (from football), Brackett has continued tackling opportunities. After hanging up his jersey, he received his MBA from George Washington University and founded Brackett Restaurant Group. During his time as a restaurateur, he realized the critical ingredients to success, as well as the potential pitfalls to avoid failure. His own experience, coupled with his obsession with uncovering “hacks” and “secrets” of the world’s most successful leaders and businesses, lead him to create his own signature framework. He uses the framework as a tool to guide his clients through actionable steps with measurable results. His training helps clients align themselves with their vision, become crystal clear on their desired outcomes, and unlock the champions they are inside of their organizations.

Brackett has mentored and empowered thousands of small business owners and professionals to realize their value, maximize their potential, and begin to thrive in business and in life.

10:15 AM

Break with Exhibitors

10:30 AM

Breakout Sessions




Perez v. Sturgis Public Schools and Its Implications for Future Litigation and Case Conference Procedures
Speakers provide knowledge of the most recent decision (March 2023) impacting ADA and Section 504 lawsuits and guidance on how to handle concerns about accommodations under the ADA and disability discrimination under Section 504 through case conference procedures.
Karen Glasser Sharp, Lewis & Kappes
Monica Conrad, Lewis & Kappes

Disciplinary Removals and Manifestation Law
This presentation is intended to provide attendees with an understanding of the law regarding disciplinary removals of students with disabilities.
Séamus Boyce, Kroger Gardis & Regas
Keith Butler, Kroger Gardis & Regas

Efficient AND Compliant Paperwork - It Is Possible
Practitioners will be able to immediately implement many of the strategies shared and begin creating systems to put in place to ensure paperwork is completed efficiently and effectively. Administrators will be able to share the ideas and strategies with their teachers as well.
Kara Guiff, Guiff Goodies for Education

Behavior/Mental Health

Behavior/Mental Health


Well-being In Education for All
This session will support Special Education Administrators with implementation of a framework that supports mental health and well-being for educators and students using a trauma informed, equitable and inclusive lens.
Sara Daniel, Daniel Educational Services

School Psychology Shortages: A Growing Conversation and Emerging Strategies
Learn about the scope of shortages in various educational disciplines across the state. Discuss and share strategies available for addressing these shortages, including local and regional possibilities, for school psychologists.
Emily Morgan-Smitley, Indiana Association of School Psychologists
Leah Nellis, IU Kokomo
Carrie Ball, ISU
Tiffany Neal, IU School of Medicine

Combatting Biases in Special Education Systems
Participants will gain awareness of their culture and identity and how they, as well as power dynamics, impact services through explicit and implicit biases. Participants will also learn evidence-based strategies for combatting biases to ensure equitable service delivery.
Lynne Hall, Indiana University's Early Childhood Center

11:30 AM


12:00 PM

ICASE Business Meeting

1:30 PM

Breakout Sessions



Behavior/Mental Health

Dealing with Increased Student Aggression and the Implications on the Use of Seclusion and Restraint and Placement Considerations in the Age of Section 504/ADA Litigation
Practitioners will learn about recent case law and pending cases that implicate their current practices and will be better prepared to train staff and change procedures to avoid such litigation.
Karen Glasser Sharp, Lewis & Kappes

Are Only Dogs Allowed? Service Animals v. Emotional Support Animals
When must schools allow animals versus when may they deny requests? This presentation offers practical recommendations and legal guidance based on federal policy and court decisions. Topics covered include 1) allergies, fears, and disruption, 2) students with anxiety, and 3) avoiding Section 504 violations.
Janet Decker, Indiana University

Supporting Students with Behavioral Needs, including those with intense behavioral needs across all school environments
Presenters will provide suggested structures to support students with behavioral needs, including those with intense behavioral needs across all school environments.
Erin Rood, Noblesville Schools
Amy Roberts, Executive Director of Secondary Special Education
Abby Magnusen, District BCBA


1st-5th Year Directors Leadership

5 Things We Wish We Knew About DEI...
Participants will learn about actionable ways to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion practices into their school or district, regardless of how much or little is already being done.
Meagan Gillman, Centerville-Fayette Special Services
Sue Mahoney, MSD Warren Township

Educational Impact - Supporting Use of Curricular Materials During Speech and Language Therapy
Special education administrators will be able to: -cite research that supports the use of curricular materials during school-based speech therapy -advise SLPs to incorporate curricular materials into therapy -support SLP's efforts to increase use of curricular materials in therapy
Christina Bradburn, Shelby County Schools

Evaluating Special Education Teacher in Inclusive Environments
For special education administrators to have a practical approach to evaluating special education teachers who teach in inclusive environments (i.e. co-teaching).
Jacob Tandy, Marian University

2:30 PM

Break with Exhibitors

2:45 PM

Breakout Sessions



Behavior/Mental Health

Perez v. Sturgis Public Schools and Its Implications for Future Litigation and Case Conference Procedures
Speakers provide knowledge of the most recent decision (March 2023) impacting ADA and Section 504 lawsuits and guidance on how to handle concerns about accommodations under the ADA and disability discrimination under Section 504 through case conference procedures.
Karen Glasser Sharp, Lewis & Kappes
Monica Conrad, Lewis & Kappes

Student Discipline: Deep Dive into Legal Issues for Disciplining Students with Disabilities
This session will provide attendees with relevant legal constraints related to disciplining students with disabilities under Section 504, IDEA, and Article 7. The presentation will assist school personnel in the practical process of disciplining, suspending, and expelling students with disabilities and provide guidance on how to prevent pitfalls.
Amy Fox, Church Church Hittle + Antrim

Increasing Mental Health Supports for Students and Staff
This session will provide a framework for funding and scaling up school-based mental health supports to decrease challenging behaviors and increase access to instruction.
Lindsey Brander, Elkhart Community Schools


1st-5th Year Directors Leadership


Navigating Discipline: the good, the bad, and the gray
The presenter will share updated discipline procedures, processes, and forms they have developed for their administrators. Provide examples and non-examples of actual disciplinary situations that have been encountered. The presenter will explain how disciplinary procedures connect to their continuum of services and how they serve students.
Linda Watkins, MSD of Wayne Township
Meghan Highfield, MSD of Wayne Township
Todd Hawks, MSD of Wayne Township

Tiered Supports for Building Administrators: Differentiated PD Based on the Needs of Building Administrators and School Staff
This session will provide new special education administrators with an efficient model of professional development that supports both legal compliance and the improvement of student outcomes.
Bruce Kulwicki, Indiana State University, Blumberg Center
John Purcell, IEP Technical Assistance Center

Dual Credit, Career Pathways, Students with Disabilities: Equity and Experiences
Participants will -Acquire an awareness of historical and current participation of students with disabilities in pre-college and career pathways and inequities at the national and state level, -Gain knowledge about the Indiana Next Level Programs of Study (NLPS, formerly CTE) requirements, Indiana College Core, and other industry credentials, -Hear examples of students with disabilities participation in CTE, career credentialing, and dual credit or enrollment.
Jennifer McNeany, IU Kokomo
Leah Nellis, IU Kokomo

3:45 PM

Speed Dating with Vendors

30 mins of fast paced speed dating. Meet a new vendor every five minutes! You'll have the chance to win fun prizes!

8:00 PM

ICASE Social

Join us for Trivia Night followed by dancing. Trivia teams will be formed by tables. Don't miss this fun night! 

Friday, September 29

8:00 AM

Breakfast & Roundtable Meetings

9:30 AM

Breakout Sessions



Behavior/Mental Health/Legal

Dealing with Increased Student Aggression and the Implications on the Use of Seclusion and Restraint and Placement Considerations in the Age of Section 504/ADA Litigation
Practitioners will learn about recent case law and pending cases that implicate their current practices and will be better prepared to train staff and change procedures to avoid such litigation.
Karen Glasser Sharp, Lewis & Kappes

Student Discipline: Deep Dive into Legal Issues for Disciplining Students with Disabilities
This session will provide attendees with relevant legal constraints related to disciplining students with disabilities under Section 504, IDEA, and Article 7. The presentation will assist school personnel in the practical process of disciplining, suspending, and expelling students with disabilities and provide guidance on how to prevent pitfalls.
Amy Fox, Church Church Hittle + Antrim

Increased Mental Health Needs: Practical Responses to New Challenges
As a result of this session, attendees will walk away with ideas that can be implemented in their district to address the increasing complexity of students.
Cathy Pratt, Indiana Resource Center for Autism
Monica Conrad, Lewis Kappes

Behavior/Mental Health

5th Year and Beyond Directors Leadership

Behavior/Mental Health

Making the Shift: Laying the Foundation for New Adult Mindsets and New Adult Responses in Addressing Student Behavior
Participants will: 1. Identify the 5 primary causes of students' challenging behaviors (one of which is student mental health). 2. Utilize self-awareness and self-reflection practices to promote adult self-regulation BEFORE engaging with students. 3. Utilize new tools to connect with students and respond to challenging behaviors with intentional responses rather than with impulsive reactions or coercive regulation.
Dr. Kristy Eaton, Indiana School Mental Health Initiative, Indiana University
Betty Lou Rowe, MA, Indiana School Mental Health Initiative, Indiana University

Developing and Sustaining Strategic Plans with a Guiding Coalition
Attendees will learn effective ways of developing a Guiding Coalition Team, Reviewing Policy, Setting Long Term Goals and monitoring progress
Anthony C England, Elkhart Community Schools
Lindsey Cox
Shirley Elliott

Becoming a Member of the Disability Community: One special educator's story
Participants will learn about one special educator's experience of becoming disabled and the lessons she learned.
Sarah Wareham, University of Indianapolis

10:30 AM

Break with Exhibitors & Vendor Giveaway

10:45 AM

Report & Update | Indiana Department of Education
Dr. Nancy Holsapple, Director of Special Education

12:15 PM


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