Add-onsPre-conference is $99 available as an add-on to registration.Invite a guest on Friday for an additional $99.REGISTER |
Hyatt Regency Indianapolis, 1 S Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Overnight Rooms
Hyatt Regency Indianapolis, 1 S Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46204 | SOLD OUTEmbassy Suites by Hilton Indianapolis Downtown, 110 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204
$239 a night | Expires JAN 23
8:30 AM | Pre-Conference Registration |
9:00 AM | Pre-Conference |
12:00 PM | Conference RegistrationLunch on Your Own |
1:00 PM | ICASE Welcome |
1:20 PM | Break with Exhibitors |
1:30 PM | Breakout Sessions |
Legal Literacy | DEI & Leadership | Behavior/Mental Health | Leadership |
Paper Cuts Hurt: How to Navigate the Paper Chase of Special Education for Legal Compliance Issues. | What I didn't know....the lessons learned as a new Special Education Director
| When Behavior Happens..... | 3 Effective Strategies for Supporting Student Behavior in Classrooms |
2:30 PM | Break with Exhibitors |
2:45 PM | Breakout Sessions |
Legal Literacy | DEI & Leadership | Behavior/Mental Health | Leadership |
The Legal and Practical Parameters of Meeting the Needs of Students with Mental Health Issues and Related Behaviors | Retribution vs. Restoration | Bridging the Autism Service Chasm: Implementation of a Coordinated Care Continuum for Students with the Most Significant Behavioral Health Challenges | Using a Parent Advisory Council Framework to Leverage the Synergy of We |
3:45 PM | Break with Exhibitors |
4:00 PM | Roundtables |
5:30 PM | Dinner Meetups |
7:30 AM | Legislative Breakfast |
9:15 AM | Keynote Speaker |
Secretary General, Council of Women World Leaders
Former Managing Director and Senior Advisor, Goldman Sachs
Laura Liswood is an international, award-winning speaker who conveys her insights regarding leadership, diversity, women in politics, and business to both large and small audiences. In her speeches, she explores the questions surrounding myths of leadership and lessons of leaders. She looks at best practices of excellent leaders drawing upon the interviews she has conducted with women heads of state and heads of government. She shares insights on how to enhance opportunities to lead and shape one's career successfully. Liswood is an expert on diversity and unconscious bias and why they matter.
Liswood is the Secretary General of the Council of Women World Leaders, located in Washington, DC, which is composed of women presidents, prime ministers, and heads of government. The work of the Council expands the understanding of leadership, establishes a network of resources for high-level women leaders, and provides a forum for the group to contribute input and shape the international issues important to all people. Liswood co-founded the Council with President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir of Iceland. It is the only organization in the world dedicated to women heads of state and government.
From 2002 to 2015, Liswood held the position of Senior Advisor at Goldman Sachs, a global investment bank. She was previously Managing Director, Global Leadership and Diversity for Goldman Sachs.
Liswood holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and a B.A. from California State University, San Diego. She holds a J.D. degree from the University of California, Davis, School of Law, and is admitted to practice law in California and Massachusetts.
10:20 AM | Break with Exhibitors |
10:30 AM | Breakout Sessions |
Legal Literacy | DEI & Leadership | Behavior/Mental Health | Leadership |
Thanks for the Complaint! No, Really, Thank You: The Hidden Opportunities for Building Equity and Inclusion in Parent Complaints and Due Process Hearings | DEI | Developing Effective Paraeducators: Best Practices for Training | Fully Equipped SPED Teachers |
11:45 AM | Lunch |
12:20 PM | ASELI Picture |
12:30 PM | ICASE Business Meeting |
1:50 PM | Breakout Sessions |
Legal Literacy | DEI & Leadership | Behavior/Mental Health | Leadership |
Section 504 and/or IEP - When, what and how? | Implementation Science, The Right Way To Improve District Special Education Programs | Using MTSS to Support Mental Wellness | Be Stoic-Moving From Me to We.... |
2:50 PM | Break with Exhibitors |
3:00 PM | Breakout Sessions |
Legal Literacy | DEI & Leadership | Behavior/Mental Health | Leadership |
Office Hour on Special Education, Law & Policy | Engaging Students with Autism to learn SEL Skills for Life | Universal Design for Learning in the Earliest Grades: Strategies for Supporting ALL Children | Disability Supports in the College Setting: How to Prepare your TORs to Advise Students to Receive Supports in Post Secondary Settings |
4:00 PM | Speed Dating with Vendors30 mins of fast paced speed dating. Meet a new vendor every five minutes! You'll have the chance to win fun prizes! |
8:00 PM | ICASE SocialJoin us at Punch Bowl Social for games and fun. From 8:00 pm - midnight you'll be able to catch up with colleagues and play games. Games include: arcade games, bowling, karaoke, cornhole, scrabble, bocce ball, billiards, giant jenga, and connect four. Snacks and drinks will be provided. |
8:00 AM | Breakfast & CEC Update |
9:00 AM | Breakout Sessions |
Legal Literacy | DEI & Leadership | Behavior/Mental Health | Leadership |
Article 7 Revisions | Beyond the Coffee Cart: Preventing Special Education Teacher Burnout through Administrative Support Navigating Challenging Student Behavior | I Didn't Know They Could Do That: New Perspectives on the Roles of School Psychologists | Transparency in IEP Monitoring: Building Consensus in Writing Quality Annual Goals |
10:00 AM | Break with Exhibitors |
10:15 AM | Indiana Department of Education |
11:15 AM | Break with Exhibitors |
11:30 AM | Legal Panel |
Dr. Kevin Rubenstein | Monica Conrad | Joe Kwisz | Andrew Manna |
12:30 PM | Adjourn |