Add-onsPre-conference is $25 available as an add-on to registration.REGISTER |
$176 a night
8:00 AM | Pre-Conference Registration |
8:30 AM | Pre-Conference |
From the Frontlines to the Future: Leadership Lessons to Transform Special Education in 2025 and BeyondSpecial education is at a pivotal moment, requiring bold leadership and innovative strategies to meet the evolving needs of students, families, and educators. Drawing on a dynamic career spanning district, national, and federal levels across four states, as well as insights from a transformative doctoral journey at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, this session explores key leadership lessons learned in the trenches of special education and self evolution. Participants will gain practical tools and actionable strategies to:
11:30 AM | Lunch & Conference Registration |
12:30 PM | Breakout Sessions |
Community Partnerships | Educator Well-Being | Leadership | Mitigating Conflict |
Partnering for Success: How developing relationships with community providers can improve outcomes for students with IEPs | The Recovering Perfectionist: Embracing Progress over Perfection | Law Dawgs At The O.K. Corral | Saddle Up for Success: Create Meaningful Family Engagement with Special Education Parent Advisory Councils (SEPACs) |
1:30 PM | Break with Exhibitors |
1:50 PM | Breakout Sessions |
Opportunity and Accessibility | Educator Well-Being | Leadership |
Giddy Up and Dive: Best Practices for Analyzing Data | We Can Do Hard Things! (Emotional Regulation Strategies that work for Staff and Students |
2:50 PM | Break with Exhibitors |
3:10 PM | Breakout Sessions |
Legal | Educator Well-Being | Instructional Strategies | Educator Well-Being |
Least Restrictive Environment and Excess Cost | Balancing Your Priorities | Sum Thing’s Up: Dyscalculia | From Burnout to Balance: Leveraging Self-Care to Increase Educator Retention |
4:10 PM | End of Sessions |
8:00 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM | Keynote: Lead From Where You Are“I’m just...It’s a phrase we hear all the time. I’m just a teacher, I’m just a paraprofessional, I’m just a custodian….the list is long and is often followed by reasons something CAN’T happen. Leadership is an action and it starts with you. Leading with INTENTION creates purpose. Leading with CONNECTION creates momentum. Leading with DIRECTION creates collective efficacy. Leading with all three in mind will build your capacity and foster an environment where everyone in your organization has the best opportunity to lead from where they are. |
Dr. Joe Sanfelippo recently retired after spending the last 26 years in the building and the final 12 as the Superintendent of the Fall Creek School District in Fall Creek, WI. The Fall Creek School District was named an Innovative District by the International Center for Leadership in Education twice during that time. Joe holds a BA in Elementary and Early Childhood Education, an MS in Educational Psychology, an MS in Educational Leadership, and a Ph.D. in Leadership, Learning, and Service. He was selected as 1 of 117 Future Ready Superintendents and 1 of 50 Superintendents as a Personalized Learning Leader by the US Department of Education. Education Dive named Joe their National Superintendent of the Year in 2019.
Joe started the #1minwalk2work Leadership Challenge, and authored multiple books, including The Power of Branding-Telling Your School's Story, Principal Professional Development: Leading Learning in a Digital Age, Hacking Leadership: 10 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Learning That Teachers, Students and Parents Love, Lead From Where You Are: Building Intention, Connection, and Direction in Our Schools, and Crafting the Culture: 45 Reflections on What Matters Most, and the upcoming 1 Minute Walk to Work: Weekly Walks to Your Greatest Year Ever (Available June 2024).
10:00 AM | Break with Exhibitors |
10:20 AM | Breakout Sessions |
Leadership | topic | Educator Well-Being |
Part B Grants | Racial Disparities from Early Intervention Through Special Education: What Do We Know and What Do We Do Now? | The Impact of 30-Second Moments | Hear Today, Do Tomorrow - Tips and Tricks for District Wide Behavior Support Implementation |
11:20 AM | Break with Exhibitors |
11:30 AM | Lunch |
12:45 PM | Breakout Sessions |
Transition | Leadership | Legal | Mitigating Conflict |
Skilled Trades Club | Eliminating Seclusion From Our Schools: Where do I start? | Shootout at the OK Corral: How to Prevent and Manage Multiple Types of Parent Litigation | Bridging the Gap: Mastering the Art of Difficult Conversations |
1:45 PM | Break with Exhibitors |
2:05 PM | Breakout Sessions |
Inclusive Preschool | Leadership | Legal | Mitigating Conflict |
Inclusive Preschool - Starting with Evaluations | Work Smarter Not Harder: AI 101 for Special Education Administrators | Cowboy Boot Camp: Due Process 101 | Crucial Transitions |
3:05 PM | Break |
3:10 PM | Speed Dating with Partners in Practice45 mins of fast paced speed dating. Meet a new Partner in Practice every five minutes! You'll have the chance to win fun prizes! |
8:00 PM | ICASE Social |
8:00 AM | Breakfast & Roundtables |
9:00 AM | Breakout Sessions |
Education Scholarship Accounts | Technology & Instruction | Mitigating Conflict |
Best Practices for Education Scholarship Accounts (ESAs) | AI to build Special Ed Capacity & Effectiveness | Preschool Suspension and Expulsion: What Indiana Families Tell Us, the Role of Disability and Tools to Support Teachers to Avoid these Practices | Article 7 |
10:00 AM | Break with Exhibitors |
10:20 AM | Legal Panel |
12:15 PM | Adjourn |